Other than some IRS inflation adjustments, calendar year 2022 has brought limited changes in tax laws for individuals. Many of the provisions that were passed in bills like, The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, affected corporations, such as the corporate minimum tax of 15% for corporations …
Join Us for Our Financial Strategy Workshop March 2022
Your current financial strategy could be destroying your retirement income… and taxes are likely the culprit. Discover tax reduction strategies and protect your money from Uncle Sam! Attend one of our free workshops! We’ll discuss: Tax Planning, Retirement Income, Mitigating Risk and Estate Planning …
Proactive Year-end Tax Planning for 2021 and Beyond
2021 has been an unusual year and there is still major legislation being discussed that could have an effect on your taxes. It is the first year of a new administration, so investors should consider taking into consideration the impact of possible future tax strategies. This report includes information on …
Join Us for Our Financial Strategy Workshop
Your current financial strategy could be destroying your retirement income… and taxes are likely the culprit. Discover tax-smart retirement planning and protect your money from Uncle Sam! Attend one of our free workshops! We’ll discuss: Tax Planning, Retirement Income, Mitigating Risk and Estate Planning …
Proactive Year-end Tax Planning for 2020 and Beyond
2020 was an unusual year that had several major legislative bills passed that could have an impact on your taxes. It is also a presidential election year, so investors might want to think about potential future tax strategies. Although it will take more than a change in president to enact tax laws changes …
Year-end Tax Moves for 2019
This report focuses on what individual taxpayers can potentially do to save money on their 2019 taxes. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted in 2017 brought many changes to the tax code. One big uncertainty is what will happen to the Tax Code after 2025. The way the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is set up …
New Tax Changes: The SECURE Act
The New SECURE Act and Proactive Retirement Planning Tatyana Bunich CEP.RFC. The House of Representatives passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act on May 23. The next step is to pass through the Senate and be signed by the President. With strong bipartisan support and the Senate already considering changes for retirement plans, industry expert Bob …
Filing 2018 Income Taxes and Proactive Tax Planning for 2019
Tatyana Bunich CEP.RFC — 410-908-9293 Tax planning should always be a key focus when reviewing your personal financial situation. One of our goals as financial professionals is to point out as many tax savings opportunities and strategies as possible for our clients. This special report reviews some of the broader tax law changes along with a wide range of tax reduction …
Workshop – Planning for 2018 Including: A Tax Law Update
We get a lot of questions throughout the year! We like to help educate our clients by hosting periodic workshops and seminars on topics that we know our clients are interested in. These pictures are from our July 19th workshop, titled “Planning for 2018 Including: A Tax Law Update” Seminar * click to enlarge photos
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