Tatyana Bunich CEP.RFC — 410-908-9293 One of our main goals as holistic financial advisors is to help our clients recognize tax reduction opportunities within their investment portfolios and overall financial planning strategies. Staying current on the ever-changing tax environment is a key component necessary to help our clients benefit from potential tax reduction strategies. On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed …
The Draft 1040: Adjusted for the Tax Law Changes
2018 IRS Form 1040 Draft Released Tatyana Bunich CEP.RFC — 410-908-9293 The ratification of the 16th Amendment allowed for the collection of income tax. Starting in 1913, American taxpayers used IRS Form 1040 to prepare and file their tax returns. The first tax return was three pages with only one page of instructions. Over the last 100+ years, the length of …
Workshop – Planning for 2018 Including: A Tax Law Update
We get a lot of questions throughout the year! We like to help educate our clients by hosting periodic workshops and seminars on topics that we know our clients are interested in. These pictures are from our July 19th workshop, titled “Planning for 2018 Including: A Tax Law Update” Seminar * click to enlarge photos
Client Appreciation Evening 2018
This May, we hosted a very special Client Appreciation event at the Stanford Grill in Columbia, MD. Music, dancing, and fabulous food was enjoyed by all! Thank you to everyone who came out to join us. All of us at Financial 1 wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for your business and trust. We hope to continue to serve you through the …
Things to Watch for in 2018
Welcome to 2018 and New Tax Rates! Tatyana Bunich CEP.RFC — 410-908-9293 Welcome to 2018! We hope that you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season. Each New Year symbolically offers the opportunity to make a fresh start for everyone. As always, our primary goal this year is to continue our tradition of helping clients achieve their personal financial goals. …
Holiday Party and Cooking Demo 2017
During the holiday season, we like to take a break from all of the hustle and bustle and get together with our clients to celebrate the holidays and to do something fun. In 2017, we hosted a cooking demonstration in the Garden House at the Elkridge Furnace Inn. Holiday Mix and Mingle * click to enlarge photos
The Four Phases of Retirement
Years ago, when you mentioned the concept of retirement, visions of a long and relaxing stretch of time after your career came to mind. Most people envisioned having a 20 to 30-year time span filled with activities such as traveling to exotic locations, leisurely days of relaxation and recreation and time with grandchildren. The possibility of long-term care was usually …
Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts
Is Your Estate Plan Arranged So Your Family Can Rest in Peace? Tatyana Bunich, CEP | RFC | 410-908-9293 When it comes to financial planning, many people overlook the critical aspect of planning for their estate when they pass away. Over half of Americans don’t have the basic documents that comprise an estate plan, including a will, living will or medical …
Efficient Tax Strategies and Important Tax Birthdays
Tax efficiency is the measure of how much an investment’s return you keep after taxes. Knowing your tax bracket is a good starting point, however, today’s tax code is quite complex. Understanding the tax code rules, managing how you generate income, choosing your investments with an eye on taxable income generation and properly utilizing potential tax deductions can help you …